Showing 40 Result(s)

Increasing Belonging at Work

Diversity… inclusion… equity… We hear these words a lot and rightfully so. Research shows time and again that diverse workplaces lead to innovation, creativity, loyalty and much more. However, for too long, organizations have invested time, money and energy into DEI programs that result in little to no lasting change. How are we botching this …

Focus On These 3 Employee Programs

Not sure where to spend your finite employee dollars? I believe there are three buckets you should invest in and these can all be started by HR staff (caveat: you need directors/owners buy-in early!) and they are wellness, appreciation, and training-outside-the-box.   Wellness, Not a Check-the-Box Program Employees are whole beings and they need holistic support …

3 Quick Tips On Resume Writing

I was recently asked for tips (probably because it is graduation season) on making a resume stand out. Here are my top three tips all resume writers should utilize when writing or updating their resume. 1. Use Key Words Job applicants should know the keywords for the industry they are applying in (do your research!). …

I Botched the Interview. Now What?

It is important to first identify how or why the interview went bad before crafting a recovery strategy. It is always best practice to send a follow up thank you email and/or snail mail card (depending on when they plan to make a decision) after the interview and this can be a great place to start …

Can I Bring Notes to a Job Interview?

The short answer: absolutely. In fact, I would go so far as to say you should bring a few notes. This shows preparation to those that are conducting the interview! I am a fan of bringing an old school padfolio to every interview I do whether it is for a new job, a new client, a new …

Miro Example Diagram

Brainstorming Tools for Remote Teams

Are your virtual team meetings in a rut of listening while everyone reports out? What if you could bring purpose, collaboration, and energy back into team meetings? Take a time-out from the same old Zoom meeting to use something new to ideate, brainstorm, retro review, reprioritize work flows and more! Online Collaborative Whiteboard Platforms I …

all hands remote

Spice Up Your All-Hands Meetings

Are your All-Hands Meetings feeling humdrum? There are several ways you can pump some life into them. I am a firm believer that these meetings can be informative and fun – thus, making staff want to attend and actually retain the information shared.  Before The Meeting Lock your meeting dates/times down on calendars at the …

Boosting Morale in a Virtual Team

With the majority of teams moving to remote work quickly and a bit haphazardly, I wanted to share a few things I’ve found through research and tried with colleagues to increase morale in this new virtual environment. Before diving into the tips, it is important to recognize low morale in the team environment. Identifying Low …

Is it OK To Leave a Job Off a Resume?

I recently received this question and wanted to share a few thoughts. My overall experience is that no, you should not leave jobs off your resume because it often creates more questions than it eliminates. However, like so many things in life and work, this question is not black and white. Reasons to List the …

Do Cover Letters Still Matter?

Cover letters still matter in this day and age for three reasons: they provide another quick layer to weed out candidates, they paint the picture for the screener on why the candidate is applying, and they help connect the work they’ve done to the work they would like to do for the new company in …