Showing 6 Result(s)

Measure, Don’t Monitor, WFH Staff

Ten years ago, when an employee asked to work from home, the answer was often something like, “Well, if we do that for you, we’ll have to do it for everyone.” As an HR gal, I get that it’s important to consider all sides of an option to see what precedent it sets. I understand …

Appreciation & Recognition Zoom Event

June 30 – Appreciation & Recognition Join Lori Howard, Liz Kinsfather and Tara Bethell for a facilitated conversation on Appreciation and Recognition – The Differences, The Whys and The Hows. Not only are these ladies AzODN members, they are SMEs in their respective areas. Lori is a seasoned OD and HR consultant who hails from …

The Time is Now – Update Handbooks

I love to help clients create and launch employee handbooks. Seeing all their ideas, mission language, and benefits they provide come together with their specific policies and procedures is often a labor of love. A way to show employees they care and want to do right by them in a whole host of ways. The …

Free Consulting Offer

For Arizona Minority, Women, and LGBTQ-owned Businesses I have long been a people-person and will talk to anyone (playground, grocery store, on the sidewalk) and try to learn about them. This can be to the chagrin of my parents (when I was little talking to strangers), my husband, or my friends (who feel like I’m …

Turning to Yoga (Again and Again)

My yoga journey began in 2002 as a way to lose weight for my wedding. I had no idea that completing that VHS (!) tape workout every day for three months would have such an impact on my life. I lost weight doing yoga, but more than that, I gained confidence in my body and myself. Anytime I took …

Increasing Belonging at Work

Diversity… inclusion… equity… We hear these words a lot and rightfully so. Research shows time and again that diverse workplaces lead to innovation, creativity, loyalty and much more. However, for too long, organizations have invested time, money and energy into DEI programs that result in little to no lasting change. How are we botching this …