Showing 5 Result(s)

4 Ways To Increase Engagement Now

Employee engagement, the emotional connection, excitement and readiness employees should feel each day to tackle their work, can be influenced greatly by the relationship (or lack thereof) they have with their supervisor. If a supervisor, or company leaders in general, feel that engagement is down, there are several ways to gather data and put new …

Do Referral Programs Promote Racism?

“Refer your friends and family to earn a bonus!” We’ve all heard about these programs and I know I’ve used this as a recruitment tool. Does this create Homogeneous Hiring? Does it perpetuate Systemic Racism? It certainly can, but like most things…it depends. I am still a huge fan of having a robust employee referral …

Save the Date – July 27th

Tara Bethell, Founder & CEO, Copper Quail Consulting, will be the featured guest on The Nonprofit Show, presented by the American Nonprofit Academy on Monday, July 27th, 9:30am, via Zoom. We will be discussing employees and PTSD symptoms due to COVID-19. This event is free. Register at:

Keep Your Skills Sharp

What are you doing with your newfound time since you’re not commuting to work as often as you used to? Why not use that time to sharpen your skills & support your community?! With the newfound time many folks have from less commuting, traveling, or going out, it is the perfect opportunity to volunteer in your …

Staff Appreciation – Don’t Blow It

If you missed the AzODN Recognition and Appreciation Zoom Program, you missed a good one! We talked about successful and failed attempts in giving and receiving recognition and appreciation and the lasting impact (positive and negative) those experiences had on us. Here is a list of resources to help get you started (or you can …