Showing 6 Result(s)

Innovative Employee Benefits Your Team Will Love

Your employees are the driving force of your company, ensuring day-to-day operations run smoothly and your customers are happy. Obviously, it’s important that you keep your team satisfied and motivated. While traditional benefits like dental are a big boon, today’s employees have higher expectations when it comes to benefits in the workplace. Read on for …

Staff Appreciation – Don’t Blow It

If you missed the AzODN Recognition and Appreciation Zoom Program, you missed a good one! We talked about successful and failed attempts in giving and receiving recognition and appreciation and the lasting impact (positive and negative) those experiences had on us. Here is a list of resources to help get you started (or you can …

Appreciation & Recognition Zoom Event

June 30 – Appreciation & Recognition Join Lori Howard, Liz Kinsfather and Tara Bethell for a facilitated conversation on Appreciation and Recognition – The Differences, The Whys and The Hows. Not only are these ladies AzODN members, they are SMEs in their respective areas. Lori is a seasoned OD and HR consultant who hails from …

Focus On These 3 Employee Programs

Not sure where to spend your finite employee dollars? I believe there are three buckets you should invest in and these can all be started by HR staff (caveat: you need directors/owners buy-in early!) and they are wellness, appreciation, and training-outside-the-box.   Wellness, Not a Check-the-Box Program Employees are whole beings and they need holistic support …

all hands remote

Spice Up Your All-Hands Meetings

Are your All-Hands Meetings feeling humdrum? There are several ways you can pump some life into them. I am a firm believer that these meetings can be informative and fun – thus, making staff want to attend and actually retain the information shared.  Before The Meeting Lock your meeting dates/times down on calendars at the …

Boosting Morale in a Virtual Team

With the majority of teams moving to remote work quickly and a bit haphazardly, I wanted to share a few things I’ve found through research and tried with colleagues to increase morale in this new virtual environment. Before diving into the tips, it is important to recognize low morale in the team environment. Identifying Low …