Showing 4 Result(s)

Staff Appreciation – Don’t Blow It

If you missed the AzODN Recognition and Appreciation Zoom Program, you missed a good one! We talked about successful and failed attempts in giving and receiving recognition and appreciation and the lasting impact (positive and negative) those experiences had on us. Here is a list of resources to help get you started (or you can …

Appreciation & Recognition Zoom Event

June 30 – Appreciation & Recognition Join Lori Howard, Liz Kinsfather and Tara Bethell for a facilitated conversation on Appreciation and Recognition – The Differences, The Whys and The Hows. Not only are these ladies AzODN members, they are SMEs in their respective areas. Lori is a seasoned OD and HR consultant who hails from …

Focus On These 3 Employee Programs

Not sure where to spend your finite employee dollars? I believe there are three buckets you should invest in and these can all be started by HR staff (caveat: you need directors/owners buy-in early!) and they are wellness, appreciation, and training-outside-the-box.   Wellness, Not a Check-the-Box Program Employees are whole beings and they need holistic support …

all hands remote

Spice Up Your All-Hands Meetings

Are your All-Hands Meetings feeling humdrum? There are several ways you can pump some life into them. I am a firm believer that these meetings can be informative and fun – thus, making staff want to attend and actually retain the information shared.  Before The Meeting Lock your meeting dates/times down on calendars at the …