Showing 3 Result(s)

Annual AZ SHRM Conference Recap

Arizona SHRM successfully concluded its first-ever virtual conference last week. The theme was, “Human Factors in Technology” and what a perfect topic as we embrace working remotely in some fashion more and more the future as well as consider what the future of AI holds for us. What could have been a boring, humdrum, “Zoombie” …

Do Referral Programs Promote Racism?

“Refer your friends and family to earn a bonus!” We’ve all heard about these programs and I know I’ve used this as a recruitment tool. Does this create Homogeneous Hiring? Does it perpetuate Systemic Racism? It certainly can, but like most things…it depends. I am still a huge fan of having a robust employee referral …

Increasing Belonging at Work

Diversity… inclusion… equity… We hear these words a lot and rightfully so. Research shows time and again that diverse workplaces lead to innovation, creativity, loyalty and much more. However, for too long, organizations have invested time, money and energy into DEI programs that result in little to no lasting change. How are we botching this …